
Why Vinyl Flooring is Better Than Engineered Hardwood

Explaining why the engineered hardwood is overrated

All over home renovation TikToks and Pinterest collections, we see beautiful cabin-esque homes fitted out with mahogany or oak hardwood flooring. There is no doubt. Hardwood flooring is not only aesthetically pleasing but also a big financial investment.

Of course, procuring, installing and maintaining genuine hardwood in our humid Singaporean climate is no mean feat. This is why home renovation connoisseurs are turning to hardwood replacements that give the look of hardwood at a fraction of the costs.

Two of the most common hardwood replacements are vinyl flooring and engineered hardwood. The great hardwood debate is which of these two options are better. We like to think that engineered hardwood is overrated in today’s market. Let’s bring you through the reasons.

Vinyl flooring is long-lasting and durable

The key difference between vinyl flooring and engineered hardwood is in its composition. The layered nature of engineered hardwood, while making it durable to moisture, is unfortunately vulnerable to scratches. If you have babies or pets at home, or have heavy furniture to shift, then engineered hardwood could be easily scratched and damaged without very good care.

Unlike engineered hardwood, vinyl flooring has that resistance not only against water but also to general scratches and dents. This makes vinyl flooring extremely pet-friendly and baby-friendly. That said, vinyl flooring is not kevlar and not completely indestructible.

Vinyl flooring is generally easier to maintain

While both vinyl flooring and engineered hardwood are designed for easy maintenance, vinyl flooring still has that edge when it comes to long-term care, cleaning and maintenance. This is always an important consideration since homeowners do not want to swap out the flooring every few years.

Whether you are using a broom or vacuum cleaner, vinyl flooring is the clear winner if you are asking which is easier to clean. In contrast, you would need to apply special care when cleaning engineered hardwood as it is more easily damaged. Moreover, in the case of damage, it is easier to replace vinyl flooring one plank at a time with relatively simple procedures. This may be more complex for engineered hardwood, depending on the specifications.

Vinyl flooring is usually more cost-friendly

Finally, cost is always top of mind. If there is a winner, it will be vinyl flooring. They are generally more cost-friendly to install and maintain in the long-run, compared to engineered hardwood. Repairs and replacement are also cheaper in the case of vinyl flooring. Of course, bear in mind you are not scrimping and being stingy if you go for vinyl flooring - since the aesthetic, quality and durability can be top-notch, if you choose the right renovation contractors.

We have no biases against engineered hardwood, but in terms of durability, ease of maintenance and cost-efficiency we think vinyl flooring is deserving of some praise. If you have further questions on flooring or renovation works in general, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts!