
Why It Is Wise To Engage A Professional For Vinyl Flooring Installation

The Motivation for DIY Installation

This blog post explores why you should engage a professional for vinyl flooring installation. Are you a seasoned Do-It-Yourself (DIY) practitioner or an enthusiast who seeks to gain hands-on experience? As interior architecture and design evolve, the allure of building and improving your own home continues to influence DIY. Hence, there is a motivation to explore vinyl flooring options and install them yourself. Nevertheless, there are advantages that only professional contractors can bring with their vocational knowledge and experience.

Licences and Warranties

Would you feel safe with unlicensed workers working under your shelters? Well, certainly a negative. A licensed contractor who can bring quality assurance is the top priority and undeniable advantage. Consumers should search for companies registered in the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) directory. Check under the work heads category of TR08 to generate a list of BCA-registered contractors for timber, vinyl, and laminate flooring works. These contractors are more knowledgeable in HDB’s regulations for installation and renovation works. Besides, you can enquire more with the companies about their environmental certifications and industrial warranties. Knowing about the safety and sustainable benefits of the flooring is an added assurance for you and your occupants.


Insider Knowledge of Trends 

Being a professional in the interior industry, contractors have first-hand knowledge of the latest trends and their suitability for various home and commercial spaces. From Wood-Plastic Composites (WPCs) to Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVTs) to Premium Resilient Floorings (PRFs), there is a wide range of available options. A professional can help to shortlist and recommend suitable vinyl flooring styles that fit well with the surrounding interiors. As vinyl flooring gains popularity, its prices rise with the direction of demand. Having industry foresight, qualified contractors can tab into insights not readily available to the public. Gaining insider knowledge and industry insights will help you to compare vinyl flooring options and prices and make informed decisions. It is unsettling to realise that the planks and tools are unsuitable and costly after purchasing them. Personal preferences and home or work space trends are the core influences in flooring decisions. After all, it is in your own home or workspace. However, it is wise to engage a professional for advice and installation to ensure quality and durability in the long term.

Prompt Inspection and Precise Installation

With the advent of a click-lock mechanism without or with minimum gluing of vinyl floor planks, the complexity of installation reduces. While it is possible to carry out DIY installation, engaging specialists with proven track records would be more practical. You may have comprehensively researched and learned the essentials and would like to carry out installing yourself. However, there is still a risk that the result may fall shy of expectations. There may be hidden irregularities such as protruding or sinking subfloor, which consequently may cause poor installation of new planks or tiles. Other risks include gaps, dampness and termite infestation that are not obvious in plain sight. There is also difficulty in aligning well with the walls and transiting consistently between rooms. Through proficiency in inspecting the flooring and surrounding fixtures, a professional can detect hidden irregularities and risks promptly and carry out installation precisely. Therefore, it is wise to engage a professional for initial installation while exploring the DIY option for future replacement.


At NBL Express - Eco Flooring, we provide helpful consultation, top-graded supplies and installation of premium resilient vinyl flooring. Contact us for a free quotation, or visit our homepage to learn more.